Tue Training Rides

Looking for a weekly training ride to get the blood pumping?  The GMBC Tuesday evening training rides travel through Richmond, Hinesburg, Huntington and Williston mostly on roads with light to mild traffic.

Important: For 2024, these rides will probably not start until August. If you would like them to start sooner and are willing to organize them in May, June, and/or July please contact Kevin.

Is this training ride for me?  Tuesday’s ride is for racers and/or  hammer-heads.  If you can maintain 18+ mph for 1.5+ hours, you’ll be fine.  There will be areas of pace-line at 25+ mph on flats and regrouping points.  Consider the Wednesday night ride if this ride is not to your liking.

Start times vary during the year (because of the sunset)!! Riding with front and rear lights is recommended all season. The exact start time for each week is announced on the GMBC email list serve usually a few days ahead of each ride.

  • Early season (through April): on the road at 5:30 PM or earlier
  • Prime season (May through August): on the road at 6:00 PM
  • Late season (September until ??): on the road at 5:30 PM or earlier
  • Bad weather (current or imminent): most likely cancels ride

Membership is not required for participation, however Membership has its advantages.

All participants must sign a waiver once per season.

Ride at your own risk.  GMBC provides guidance on safe group riding and sharing the road, but assumes no liability.  It is your responsibility to know and adhere to Vermont laws.

GMBC is volunteer-based and sometimes volunteers cannot make the ride.  This may lead to groups not being formed and the lack of regrouping points on the ride.  We encourage you to talk before the ride, form groups, talk about safety and have a great ride!

The parking location is a lot about 1/2 mile east of Cochran Ski Area on Cochran Rd. It’s on the north side (river side). It is easy to miss. The backup parking is 1/10 mile east. For more information on parking, contact Kevin or see the latest Tuesday night training announcement on the GMBC listserve for clarification. Map of parking areas.

Links to some routes are listed below but become familiar with the roads beforehand in case of separation from the group. If you decide to drop out or change your route, let someone know beforehand.