Time Trials

GMBC offers a free weekly time trial series that dates back to the 1970s! It is a low-key competitive event that is open to the public. The events take place every Thursday evening from early May to early September. They take place in the greater Burlington area, as well as in a few surrounding counties. Courses range from flat(ish), to hilly, to mostly uphill, and some are mostly gravel.

Although membership in GMBC is not required for participation, we would love to have you as a member. Every participant must sign ONE GMBC Rider Waiver each season prior to participating. (This waiver is valid for all club events during the season.) Please use the buttons below to sign the waiver or join or renew your membership. Please note that GMBC membership is required to view any course descriptions posted in Ride With GPS (RWGPS)

The events start at 6:30 pm (unless otherwise noted). The link to the Sign-up form for each date is posted on the Events calendar, the Time Trial Schedule Table and the list serve announcement for that week’s race. We recommend that you show up at least 1/2 hour early so you have time to get the bike in order and to warm-up. The start-interval is one minute (in other words, every minute one rider will start), and once you’re underway, the goal is to ride as hard as you can for the length of the course and have nothing left at the finish. It’s as easy as that!

Wear your helmet at all times, share the road, be mindful of traffic, and understand that we cannot be a burden on traffic flow. Failure to adhere to these rules could result in the closing of a course due to complaints from local residents. Please find a bathroom prior to arriving, NOT at the race venue. Please remember that the roads are open to traffic and you are riding at your own risk. The race schedule is posted on the Events calendar. Final results for previous years can be found in the Results Archive below.

Last minute changes to the schedule due to weather or unexpected road repairs are announced through the GMBC email list. For more information, contact Kevin Bessett.

Local support is critical to the survival of the time trial series. Please consider showing your support of local businesses by stopping in the local store or bakery to pick up a drink or tasty treat to celebrate your big effort.

The GMBC weather manipulators (a covert arm of the club) are not always able to ensure perfect weather. Occassionally a town event or road construction may interfere with the race course. We try not to cancel races, but if severe weather or another event appears to put racers or volunteers in danger, the event will be cancelled. Only races on championship courses will be rescheduled.

What cancels races?
  • Impending thunderstorms, moderate to heavy rain, high winds, fog or impaired visibility, extreme heat (heat indexes in the mid 90s and above), or cold
    and (temperatures and wind chills below 30 degrees) are likely to cancel events. 
  • Town events such as school graduations or other events that result in pedestrians on the course and/or increased traffic, or unavailability of the designated parking area may cause race cancelation.
Race cancellations
  • Race cancellations will by made by 4:30 pm on race day and announced via the GMBC email list.
  • The most reliable way to find out about cancellations is via the GMBC email list.
  • Cancellations may be posted on Events if time permits.
  • You may try to email Kevin if it is before 5:00 pm on race day.

Riding a bicycle on the road has inherent risks. You will be riding at your own risk and GMBC assumes no liability. All courses are open to traffic and you are responsible for obeying laws. Know the course, turns, intersections and dangerous spots — such as fast descents (be sure to view the course info by clicking on the course name in the schedule)

  • A helmet is mandatory at all times; eye protection is recommended.
  • NO riding two abreast at any time; it is legal in certain situations, but not at a TT.
  • Always ride on the right side of the travel lane so traffic can pass except for areas where riding in the lane is safest (such as fast descent).
  • Show up at least 1/2 hour prior to start of event so you can assemble your bike, sign-up and warm-up.
  • Read the Instructions for Timers below to learn more about the timing and how these TTs are run.
Entering the Event
  • Please preregister for the TT and then just show up and sign the start sheet, see next. Preregistration for the 2023 season can be found here.
  • There will be a clip board floating around with a start sheet. Just put your name in a start position (1, 2, 3, 4…).
  • The number indicates your start position and this is the number of minutes after the watch starts that you will start (for example: “11” means you will leave at the 11-minute mark).
  • Riders will be in a line waiting to start. Show up at least one minute before your start time.
  • Stay on the grass-side of the orange cones used to separate you from traffic.
  • At most courses you have the option to be held — it’s a little unnerving the first few times!
  • How not to miss your start time: start a timer when the official watch starts, and that way you’ll always know exactly how much time you have left.
While Competing
  • Use extreme caution at any turn-around points (if they exist in the course)
  • If you get held up by traffic at a turnaround point, let the timers know after your finish — your time will be adjusted by how much you think that you lost.
  • About 20 meters before your finish yell your start number to the timers so they can ID you.
  • Do not crowd the timers while riders are still finishing.

  • Please be familiar with the course and rules.
  • Enforce helmet usage – it’s mandatory at all times.
  • Keep riders on grass-side of orange cones at start area.
  • Remind riders they MUST RIDE SINGLE FILE at all times.
  • Riders who miss their start can go in the next free start-position–-just cross out their name and put it in the open slot, and tell them their new start position.
  • Remind riders to yell out their start position about 20 meters prior to finish.
  • Arrive at least 1/2 hour before event start-time.
  • The organizer will provide the gear and instructions. Sign-up sheet.
  • Sign-up: riders sign-up on the start/results sheet. The number to the left of their name indicates start position (for example: “3” means rider will leave 3-minutes after start of watch).
  • Just before starting: announce that you are about 1-minute from starting watch.
  • Starting the race: Start both watches. Have the 1st rider on the line. Give rider countdown (45 seconds, 30, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 1, Go). At 40 seconds to go, ask rider if s/he wants to be held. If so have them put front break on, hold rear wheel between knees, hold onto seat post, tell rider “you are ready”. Repeat for subsequent riders.
  • During race: keep road clear at start/finish area(s) – we cannot be a burden to traffic (this is VERY IMPORTANT).
Recording results procedure
  • See link in next section for sample score sheet with completion times.
  • Before rider crosses the line, shout “NUMBER” to get their start position. If no number yelled, write in “?”, and if possible, note jersey color.
  • Record the number yelled in the right most column and record from the top down as riders finish (example: 2, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5…).
  • Press SPLIT as rider crosses and record split time to the left of the start position just recorded. Round to the nearest second (50/100th or greater round to the next second.
  • The watch has a memory. Press RECALL to view previous splits. This is handy when several riders finish closely. Be sure to get their start positions and press SPLIT for each rider.
Calculating and recording finish time
  • See example
  • Formula: Subtract start position from the split time. Example: split time of 0:53:03 minus start position of 11 gives a finish time of 0:43:03.
  • Record completion time in Completion Time field for the rider by cross-referencing their start position (this is to right of elapsed time) with Start Position in Middle column. This is a little tricky. See the example link above.

Your fastest average speed at each course designated as part of the championship series is averaged to determine an overall average speed, and those with the fastest average in their age group will win an award.  The fastest overall male and female have their name engraved on trophies. You will have three opportunities to ride each of the championship courses. Awards are presented at the annual club meeting in the Fall.

Anyone can ride a championship course time trial, but only GMBC members are eligible to compete for awards (Note: if you are not a member by June 1st, you will not be eligible to compete in the series).

Click on the years below to access the schedules and results for previous years. Use the Back button on your browser to get back to this page to view results for a different year. Some links, including the link to the archives, on Schedule pages prior to 2017 are no longer functional.

1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,

2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016,

2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022